FC22 | Boshang tag nrho ceramic 510 xov cbd / thc roj cartridge
FC22 full Ceramic Cartridge uses high-quality ceramic materials, with excellent durability and corrosion resistance. Nws tsis tsuas yog hloov kho rau cov yam ntxwv sib txawv ntawm cannabis cia rau ntawm kev ua lag luam tab sis kuj ua rau txhua tus puff ntawm qhov muag heev, ntom, thiab niaj hnub.
● Nws haum haum rau delta8 / d8 / thc extractions / HHC / THCO / RISS DIAMONG / DOCOND DIAMONDS THIAB LWM COV NYIAJ.
FC20 | Tag nrho cov ceramic, lub sijhawm tshiab: CBD tag nrho cov ceramic cartridge
Nws los ntawm Boshang thiab muaj cov tsos thiab kev tsim ua patents. It has produced more than 26 million pieces, which is the most shipped and the most stable all-ceramic cartridge in the world.